Monthly Archives: July 2010

EPowerment Interview

Listen to a 30 minute interview with Dr. Izzy Justice here.

Questions covered include:

  • How does EQ relate to high performance?
  • Can you discuss ways organizations can address EQ from the perspective of EPowerment?
  • Can you make some connection points between EPowerment and the changing nature of the workforce and world around us?
  • Is there a place in EPowerment for the formal delivery of training?
  • What is the relationship between EPowerment and the virtual organization?

EQ and Fear

I have run into senior executives of organizations, and often times they are the very top ones, who have successfully used fear as a leadership tool to get their direct reports, and their organizations, “get results.”  An example might be the CEO who publicly chastises his cabinet in front of each other, or puts someone on the spot, or takes a jab below the proverbial belt — knowing full well that the defenseless victim is too intimidated to either respond or fight back. I say “successfully used fear” because these leaders often created and exponentially grew the organizations they lead, and the results in revenue, growth, and profitability are often quite good. Continue reading

Children & EQ

I spoke at a SHRM event last week and at the end, some asked me how I help my little children (ages 6 and 4) develop their EQ. It was the first time I’ve been asked that question in public and was delighted to share what I do. The qualifier to my response is that I am no parenting guru and I appreciate that every child and family dynamic is unique. Though what I do works for me, it may not work for you and what I do is entirely experimental at this stage. Continue reading

Who Can Build the Tallest Tower?