Monthly Archives: January 2014

Remove Barriers

barrierI was contacted recently by the CEO of a company who I had worked with in her first year in office about 3 years ago. She said the last two years were enormously successful as she implemented countless new changes. She said that as she begins her fourth year, her list of what she wanted to get done had shrunk coonsiderably and wanted to pick my brain on how she might continue to be an effective change agent and a leader. Continue reading

Goal Setting Trick

goals2014This time of the year is the time to get annual goals. The beginning of the year seems like a natural starting point to do that and track it until next year at the same time. Whereas there really is no scientific reason to set goals in January, as opposed to any other month, it does seem to draw many of us to contemplate what it is that we might what to accomplish this year. When I coach athletes and executives alike, there is a “trick” I use with my clients that has never failed in achieving goals no matter when they are set. Continue reading