Monthly Archives: January 2013

Male EQ

 men workingThis blog is intended primarily for my fellow males. It was prompted by two events this past week. First is that I was at a restaurant with my son waiting for our to-go order. We were at the bar area and Hunter and I were being goofy as we normally are. Continue reading

An Experience a Month

one-life-final-3On a recent business trip, I reconnected with a dear friend that I had not seen in several years. She told me she had ended her personal relationship and was single again. About a year ago, she joined a group of single women mostly over the age of 50 who met once a month for an experience. Continue reading

Others’ Goals

connectedconversationsThis is the time of year many people process goals – both their personal ones (new year’s resolutions) and professional ones at work. Last week, I blogged about working with others to help you accomplish your goals. This week, and with the assumption that you have already crafted your goals, written them, and shared them with someone, I would like you to consider one more personal and professional goal. And that is to pick about five people that are important to you, and ask them what their goals are for 2013. Continue reading

Increasing Your Probability of Success

Take a look at the graph below summarizing the findings of a study by Dr. Gail Matthews.

I posted this last year and it is still relevant this year. This week, ask yourself, which group you belong to with the goals you have already set for 2013. What can you do to move into Group 5 and increase your success rate of achieving those goals?