Monthly Archives: May 2016

Emotional Speedometer

speedometerWhen driving your car, you look at your speedometer to get a measurement of how fast or slow you are driving. It’s a necessary gauge and every car has it as the primary gauge in plain sight for the driver to see easily. If the gauge were not there, you would be guessing at your car’s speed and not know when you were going above or below the speed limit. The speedometer helps you to perform within the established road speed limit. Similarly, I want you to consider adopting an EQ Speedometer – a gauge to help you monitor your emotional temperature. I’ve blogged about this before sharing the Red, Yellow and Green levels in the Emotional Speedometer where GREEN is a calm state, RED is a very agitated state and YELLOW is somewhere between the two where most of us operate. Continue reading

A Hero is …you!

heroF.Scott Fitzgerald wrote: Show me a hero and I’ll write you a story of tragedy. Indeed, most over-achieving people, whether in business or athletics, find their drive in some form of inequity – either personal or one in their environment. Can a logical argument then be made that tragedy can be a source motivation? Could it also be argued that since tragedy is random (not orchestrated) in nature, then either avoiding it by not taking risks or not willing to use it when it does occur are both ways to rob yourself of a drive to live better and perform better?  Continue reading