Monthly Archives: March 2013

I Don’t Know …

dontknowI met with a CEO recently who shared a powerful transformation in her leadership style.  She told me that through most of her career rising through the ranks, people came to her for answers. Sometimes she had them, sometimes she did not, but almost always, she know how to process data points to make the best guess. Continue reading

Take a risk…

RiskMy mentor, Gary, had an amazing grasp of quotes and of using them at the right time. He died almost 25 years ago but I still remember him as fondly and vividly as I do someone I met yesterday. Here is one of the quotes he used with me (and I confess I do not know the author of it): “Accept a man as he is, and he shall remain as he is. Accept him as he can and should be, and he will become as he can and should be.” Continue reading

Changing Workplace

workplaceIt was coincidence that my blog last week was about office space and that in the same week, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer ended telecommuting at her company. Also last week, the buzz around Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s book about re-inventing the role of women in the workplace generated healthy dialogue about the working environment. Continue reading

Fear Not


officespaceIf you have bought or sold a home in the past 5 years or so, then you are familiar the concept of virtual tours of homes. For example, your realtor might send you a link to a home that, from the convenience of wherever in the world you are, you can tour that actual home via a real video walk-through.  You can imagine the countless hours and weekend time this new method has saved all parties. Continue reading