Monthly Archives: June 2010

World Cup & Technology

Many of you know I grew up in southern Africa and playing football, or soccer as we call it here in the US, was a daily ritual. So it is with great pride that I watch the biggest single athletic event in the world happening in my home continent. It is also with great pain that this past week and weekend I saw so many bad calls. There was a disallowed goal against the US, the offside no-call against Mexico, and the English goal that was more than a full yard inside the goal and not called a goal. Continue reading

Talent War… Here it Comes (Again)

I have written about this before and even predicted this but the war for talent has begun. Granted, it is in its infancy and not yet in full swing, but I’ve talked to several recruiting firms and organizations who are beginning to look for talent to fill the void of massive layoffs. In addition, they are searching for meaningful ways to retain existing talent.  Continue reading

Mobility of Knowledge

Last week, I did a keynote speech at a luncheon. I talked about the concept of knowledge. Historically, there was only one type of knowledge–Experiential Knowledge–the knowledge that exists in our memory banks as a result of doing something or having some experience. Those who learned from their experiences became more knowledgeable, and then they transferred that knowledge to younger people. Continue reading

90% managers are not productive

Last week, I read a Harvard Business Review article that mentioned “only 10% of managers move their organizations forward.” This begs the question, what the heck are the other 90% doing? The article’s response to this question was “Short on self-awareness, they don’t ask themselves the hard questions required to examine — and improve — their leadership skills.”  Continue reading

Personalized Learning