Monthly Archives: May 2011

Mobile Learning

The following statistics were generated by Future Workplace and IESE Business School.

  1. By year end of 2011: nearly forty percent of executives plan to incorporate media tablets into learning and development initiatives and three-quarters of these learning executives plan to incorporate smartphones by the end of this year.
  2. By 2015: Human Resource executives plan to leverage mobile devices not only for learning & performance support but also for coaching and mentoring employees (37%), micro-blogging (27%), augmented reality (14%), and mobile gaming (12%). Continue reading

Thank You, I’m sorry, …

Continuing from last week where we discussed workplace terms that can act as powerful diffusers of high emotional situations, here are two more after “Please.”  They are “Thank you” and “I’m sorry”. Continue reading

Workplace Magic Words #1: Please

As a coach for so many executives and different types of executives (personalities, roles, businesses), I can honestly tell you that managing workplace conflict continues to be, by far, the #1 challenge for them. I am not suggesting that other parts of their roles are unimportant or difficult; merely that most of the feedback and problems I am helping clients with are of the interpersonal kind. Continue reading

Mothers’ EQ

In honor of Mother’s Day yesterday, I put some thought into why mothers universally are so loved by their children. I have no idea what the surveys would show, but I am guessing that mothers rate as a category of human beings most loved.  Though I am a father, I marvel at the connection that my wife has with my children, and vice versa. Continue reading

Performance Barriers

This past weekend I had a professional golfer visit with me. The PGA Tour Event is in my hometown of Charlotte and most of the top players are in town. This particular golfer feels like he is technically and physically in the best shape of his life, striking the ball beautifully with an array of shots and shot making. However, he simply was not scoring very well.  He wanted to know what the issue was. Continue reading